28 November 2011

Return of SideACT as ScratchPad in SageACT! 2012

Longtime users of SageACT! CRM software will remember an "old" feature called SideACT, which ran in the taskbar and allowed quick access to some popular task commands. Well, good news for those with much patience - in the new version of SageACT! they've added that back, and now it's called Scratchpad.

07 November 2011

Use SwiftPage to Send "off-the-cuff" E-mails

Ever wanted to send an impromptu, spur-of-the-moment e-mail using SwiftPage, but did not want to take the time to edit - or create - a template just to send a quick message?  You can with a simple, one-time setup that can be used again and again.