28 July 2010

The Engine Behind Smart Tasks #SageACT

By now you’re already super excited about the Sage ACT! 2011 (used to be ACT! by Sage) pre-loaded Smart Tasks that let you automate your marketing and sales activities. This new functionality alone provides unmatched levels of productivity in Sage ACT!. But there’s more there: a much larger foundation is part of Sage ACT! for Smart Tasks.

Underneath the flexible user interface to manage smart tasks, and supporting the execution of Smart Task steps, lies a very powerful workflow engine. The technology supporting Smart Tasks is Microsoft® Windows® Workflow Foundation, a technology leveraged by several CRM products across the industry. For Sage ACT!, that means enjoying capabilities that have blossomed and evolved (e.g. persistence, scheduling, and support of visual design). It also means Sage ACT! can support a range of scenarios: from the automation of steps in-product to enterprise-level workflows. That’s right, custom, complex workflows can be created outside of Sage ACT! and be run in Sage ACT!, for unique customer specified business processes, or flexible system integration. That’s just a taste of what can be accomplished by partners and third-parties alike with Smart Tasks in Sage ACT! 2011.

If you’re technical savvy and want to learn more, stay tuned for Developing Custom Steps for Smart Tasks webinar next month.

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